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Building Stories for the Head and Heart

Our research for The Secret of Culture Change: How to Build Authentic Stories That Transform Your Organization found that stories need an additional content element if they are to be successful in changing an organization’s culture: They must appeal to

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Culture Change in an Organization with Multiple Cultures

Many organizations have multiple cultures. Sometimes, these different cultures are associated with different functional specialties in a firm—there is an accounting culture, an HR culture, an engineering culture, and so forth. Other times, these different cultures are associated with different

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Talking Versus Acting in Culture Change

Mark Twain once observed that “Actions speak louder than words, but not nearly as often.” This humorous—although deeply accurate—statement brilliantly summarizes the tension between “talking” and “acting” in facilitating culture change. Of course, speeches, group discussions, and one-on-one conversations are

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Building a Successful Culture-Changing Story

Everyone we know who has tried to change their organization’s strategies sooner or later runs into the same problem: To realize the full potential of these new strategies, they usually must also change their organization’s culture. While writing our book,

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5 Mistakes That Will Doom Your Culture Change Efforts
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